Café Africa is a non-profit association registered in Switzerland. The European office works as a support and secretariat for the country offices established in Uganda, Tanzania and D.R Congo. Each country office is registered as a national non-profit organization in its host country and governed by its own board.
Café Africa works at the invitation of the national authorities and members of the national coffee sectors (the Uganda Coffee Development Authority (UCDA) and the Ministry of Agriculture in Uganda, the Tanzania Coffee Board (TCB) in Tanzania, the Ministry of Agriculture and Office National du Café (ONC) in DRC).
Café Africa relies on the national staff in each country, together with a pool of internationally recognized consultants with expertise in the field of coffee production, processing, marketing, project management, and food security related issues.
Café Africa’s focus is not on project cycles, rather, it is about the people in the coffee supply chain from the farmer to the buyer, and everyone in between. Our aim is to enable the entire sector system to deliver more coffee and of better quality.