We would love to hear from you, so please use the details below.
Café Africa International
- 1260 – Nyon, Switzerland
- Administration: 9 Highway Lane, Keele, Staffordshire ST5 5AN, United Kingdom
- Email: jlefroy@cafeafrica.org
Café Africa, Uganda
- Block 2, 1st Floor F/07, Sia Amara Plaza, Plot 20-24, Spring Road, Bugolobi, P O Box 31668, Kampala, Uganda
- Phone: +256 772 378791
- Email: se@cafeafrica.org
Café Africa, Tanzania
- Room 206, 2nd Floor, Kibo Towers, P O Box 7812, Moshi, Tanzania
- Phone: +255 272 754400
- Email: aikande.kwayu@gmail.com
Café Africa, D.R. Congo
- 8’ème Étage, Immeuble Botour, Commune de la Gombé, Kinshasa, République Démocratique du Congo
- Phone: + 243 815 415461
- Email: kamungele@cafeafrica.org
Café Africa Charitable Trust
- 9 Highway Lane, Keele, Staffordshire ST5 5AN, United Kingdom
- Email: jlefroy@cafeafrica.org
- (Registered in England, Charity No. 1118450)